Vulnicura VR album

‘Family’ by Andrew Huang

‘Family’ by Andrew Huang

From the initial success of her ‘Stonemilker’ VR experience as installed at MOMA PS1 in 2015, 3SA worked with Björk, her label and a small army of developers, hardware companies, motion capture studios and audio software experts over four years to create the virtual reality version of Björk’s eighth studio album ‘Vulnicura’.

This first ‘real’ full length virtual reality album offering by a major recording artist was a labour of love and an intensely rewarding technical journey. The production process uncovered many opportunities and innovations required to power such an ambitious and compelling musical journey and album narrative for the evolving medium of virtual reality.

‘Notget’ by Warren du Preez and Nick Thornton Jones

‘Notget’ by Warren du Preez and Nick Thornton Jones

‘Quicksand’ by Rhizomatiks

‘Quicksand’ by Rhizomatiks

Currently only available for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, the album is an hour long journey across an imagined Icelandic landscape, with locations on the map connected to individual experiences for each song that correlate with the points allied to Björk’s creative inspiration for each song.